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How To Store Grape Hyacinth Bulbs - DutchGrown

How To Store Grape Hyacinth Bulbs - DutchGrown

Grape Hyacinths (Muscari) are beautiful spring bulbs with tiny blue, pink or white flowers. With the right care, Grape Hyacinths will return to your garden or container for many years. Do you want to know how to store Grape Hyacinth bulbs properly? We will tell you how to do it in this guide.

Quick guide:

  • On arrival: Unpack and place in a cool, dark spot between 4-20°C (40-68ºF)
  • Garden: Leave in place after flowering
  • Container: Dig up the bulbs, keep the healthy ones, dry, and store in paper bags
  • Indoors: Throw them away and buy new bulbs for next spring

Grape Hyacinth Life Cycle

The life cycle of Grape Hyacinths begins in the autumn, which is the time when you plant the bulbs in a light-shade spot in your garden or a container. During the autumn and winter, the bulbs develop roots in the ground and start to grow in the spring. During this time, you enjoy beautiful flowers in your (rock) garden. After about three to four weeks, the flowers will start to die back, and the bulbs enter a period of dormancy. If stored correctly, Grape Hyacinths will grow again the following spring.

Storing Hyacinth Bulbs When They Arrived

When your DutchGrown package of Grade Hyacinth bulbs arrives in the autumn, and you can't plant them immediately, it is important to store them correctly. Immediately remove the bulbs from the wood chips and place them in a dry place with plenty of air circulation. The temperature needs to be between 4-20 °C (40-70ºF). A dark spot in the garage or basement with low humidity is a good place to store the bulbs.

Learn more: How to grow Muscari (Grape Hyacinths)

How To Store Grape Hyacinth Bulbs After Flowering

At the end of the flowering season, it is time to prepare the bulbs for the next season. After the bulb has finished flowering, remove the faded flower spike to save the plant from wasting energy on forming seed heads. But wait until the foliage is completely withered and yellow. Through photosynthesis, the leaves produce nutrients that the bulb will need for the next growing season. After a few weeks, the foliage will automatically turn yellow and die back, and you can remove it.


Have you planted the Muscari bulbs in the garden? You can leave them where they are. The bulbs will have a period of dormancy in preparation for the next growing season. They won't need watering until next spring. Also, make sure you planted the bulbs in well-drained soil to avoid root rot.


If you have planted Grape Hyacinth bulbs in containers or window boxes, dig them up after removing the yellow foliage. Discard any damaged or diseased bulbs, and dry and store the healthy bulbs in paper bags before planting Grape Hyacinth bulbs in autumn. A dark spot in the garage or basement is perfect.


If planted indoors, Grape Hyacinth bulbs are very unlikely to flower for a second season. They have been 'forced' to flower early in pots indoors, so it's best to throw them away and buy new ones to plant in the autumn.

Discover Our Collection Grape Hyacinths

You have come to the end of this guide and now know everything about storing Hyacinth bulbs. Are you looking for (new) Muscari bulbs to grow in your garden, in a container or indoors? Discover our Grape Hyacinth bulb collection. We ship top-sized bulbs (around 8 cm or 3.1 inches) from Holland to all over the UK.

Frequently Asked Questions About Storing Hyacinth Bulbs

Can Hyacinth Bulbs Be Reused?

Yes, Hyacinth Bulbs can be reused. After flowering, allow the leaves to die back naturally, as this will help the bulb store energy for next year. Have you planted the bulbs in your garden? Leave them where they are, and they will grow back. If you planted the Grape Hyacinth bulbs in a container, carefully dig them up and store them in a paper bag in a cool, dry place until you plant them in the autumn. If you've planted them indoors, it's very unlikely that you'll be able to reuse them.

Can You Replant Hyacinth Bulbs?

Yes, you can replant Hyacinth Bulbs. Have you planted the bulbs in the garden, and did they start to crowd together? Simply dig up the bulbs, separate them and replant half of them in their original growing position. If you planted them in a container, dig them up, store them in a paper bag in a cool, dry place over the summer and replant them in the autumn. If you planted them indoors, you can't replant them.

How To Save Hyacinth Bulbs?

To save Grape Hyacinth bulbs, let the foliage die back naturally after blooming, allowing the bulbs to store energy for the next spring. Allow the bulbs to rest without watering. If you have planted your Muscari in a container, dig them up and remove the excess soil. Next, dry them in a paper bag in a dark, cool place such as a garage or basement until you plant them out in the autumn. If you're planting indoors, you can't save the bulbs.

Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist
Meet Ben, our Flower Bulb Specialist

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